Music Software

Audio Editing & Mastering Software

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Audio Editing & Mastering Software

Speed up your workflow with some Audio Editing and Mastering software; helping you to fix your mix and get it ready for release. Choose industry standard tools from Izotope, Waves and Zynaptiq

Mixing doesn't have to be difficult. Getting some decent audio editing and mastering software can help you find the issues in your mix and fix them quickly and easily. Izotope offer a wide range of tools for both mixing and mastering. Their Ozone and Neutron Suites offer features like "mixing assistant" that analyses your mix and helps you apply those final touches to make your track stand out. Like having a second opinion in the room with you. Waves offer a number of tools like their "froensics package" to help you strip unwanted noise from your tracks without you pulling your hair out in frustration!